YS4 surfboard reviews coming soon..
Surfing on the Gulf Coast can be anything but straight forward. It tends to be the kind of place where having the confidence of bringing just one board to the beach could possibly turn into the biggest mistake you've made all year. We've all seen it—within a matter of hours, conditions can shift from thigh-high and weirdly challenging to picture-perfect, head-high barrels that would make anyone feel like they've scored the session of their life. As Gulf Coast surfers, we are conditioned to remain on our toes, ready to strike when the time is right, but even then, what do you ride?
In my opinion, you should always be a little cautious when it comes to taking advice from someone on the internet that lives in a far away land saying "this is the perfect board for you". Well, they may be right for the waves that they are surfing, but does that "perfect board" work here on the Gulf Coast? When it comes to answering this question, among many others, one name comes to my mind.

Photo- @Shellfilm
You would be hard-pressed to find someone who is more knowledgeable and has more hours logged surfing the Gulf Coast than Yancy Spencer 4th (YS4). Yancy lives and breathes surfing and it’s immediately evident when you talk with him. His knowledge, style and ability to ride whatever the Gulf throws at us is truly awesome and inspiring.
Over the next however long ,(and when the surf is flat), he will be looking at and reviewing boards that we have in the shops along with covering all topics surfing here on the blog. Stay tuned...

If I'm looking to rebuild the transmission in my truck, I go to an expert. If a water pipe bursts in my house, Im going to an expert and if I’m seeking insights on our waves, boards, or anything surf-related, Im going to an expert... So here we are.